Awarded by 'A Pause on the Path'
Funny thing is ... it really did cheer me up...... I felt a few rays of sunshine come my way on this rather dreary day as I sit curled up on the couch coughing intermittently and going through a box of tissues at an alarming rate. Just knowing that there was another blogger out there in the blogosphere who appreciated my blog and was happy to let others know about it was kind of neat. Thank you Shanda for sending it 'Down Under'. While this is not a red carpet moment it certainly feels nice to have your work, thoughts and musings valued. Such a lovely way to encourage other bloggers, so if the 'Stylish Blogger Award' comes your way.... smile and send the sunshine on its way.
The Rules:
1. Say seven interesting, amusing, wild or crazy things about yourself.
2. Encourage some fabulous bloggers by passing the award on (link award back to the awardee's blog)
3. Contact the bloggers you have nominated and let them know!
So...seven things about me from the most recent to things some time ago ...
1. Visited Uganda as a volunteer assisting with orphaned and abandoned babies in Uganda.
2. Biked to Claude Monet's garden in Giverny, Paris and got lost a long the way.
4. Saw all the highlights of London in 24 hours including the show Mama Mia!
7. Performed in a 'King's Kids' performing arts team during the Seoul Olympics as a kid.
And here are some fabulous blogs I am loving right now, deserving of a little blog award....in no particular order -
This lovely girl at tiny green elephants
Tiffany at a Moment Cherished
Casey at the Wiegands
Asher at Sole Hope
Jen at finding heaven
Hill at Capturing Motherhood
Beth at You Capture
6 'heart 2 hearts'…heartfelt comments here.:
I loved hearing all the exciting things you have done. What adventures. Made me wish I had made mine more adventuresom! Great list.
Now those are some fun things about you!! I experienced London in 24hours in August...we took the red bus tour! ;)
Thank you, again, sweet girl. I loved reading the 7 fun things about you!
thank you so much! very sweet. we've been crazy busy, so sorry i didn't come over sooner to thank you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! xoxo
Thank you sweet friend for the award! I am only just getting to posting it!
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Thanks for sharing, kind words are sunshine to the soul!